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1. Enemies of architecture
There is a history of systematic rift between the big name architects and the public, rooted in an arrogance that plagues architecture even till today. Far too many buildings have sprung up, or rather, descended like alien spaceships into our living environment. They are mirror images of starchitects - they neither interact, nor attempt to be part of the urban fabric; like a proud crane standing amongst chickens.
Why then, you may ask, has this phenomenon been the norm? Look no further than the infamous “Bilbao Effect”[4]. The ever-so-tempting narrative goes like this: a dying city single-handedly revived by the Architect, a Messiah like figure, with a grand project that promises both economic and cultural uplift. The reality is, however, a narcissistic tale told by a delusional antagonist.
It is unfortunate that architects are increasingly incentivised to design high profile projects that are extremely recognisable and captivating at first glance. Media and the cult of followers are accomplices in perpetuating the disaster.
[4]: MOORE, ROWAN, “The Bilbao effect: how Frank Gehry’s Guggenheim started a global craze”,
"When the voice of doubt is drowned, there will be no progress for the better."
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