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Precedent A
Le Corbusier_City of Chandigarh
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Le Corbusier was renowned for his work way before the age of media, yet the city of Chandigarh is the embodiment of many flaws associated with today’s starchitects.
Despite its merits, Le Corbusier’s urbanism was a forceful shove rather than a gentle stroke. The Capitol Square (Fig. 5), meant to be a place for gathering, a showcase of democracy, is ironically distanced away from the people. The master plan of Chandigarh was drafted by him after only a few days spent in India; evidently, the city was distinctly European, not Indian (Fig.6). The colourful bazaars and bustling streets are replaced with monotonous blocks and sectors, taking little hints from local ways of life and thus, are “profoundly alienating, particularly because of the absence of street life” [2]
[2] FITTING, PETER. “Urban Planning/Utopian Dreaming: Le Corbusier’s Chandigarh Today.” Utopian Studies 13, no. 1 (2002): 69–93.
Precedent B
Rem Koolhaas_Villa Lemoine
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A cold, brutal interpretation when the Corbusian concept of “house is a machine” is taken too literally. The house stops being a house, thus transforming into the indulgence of the artist himself - Koolhaas, who has almost forgotten that it is humans who inhabit the space.
By hosting tours for those eager to witness the signature "Koolhaas masterpiece", Rem actively declared the death of a peaceful and quiet life. To quote the maid “Everybody is sad” [3], partially due to the failed experiment imposed onto the clients and also, for prolonging the fad of his architectural brand.
[3] Koolhaas Houselife, directed by Bêka & Lemoine, April 2013,
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